Hey, I know you know a few silly buggers. Describe them and what they do right here.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Computer Simulated Reality Now

There is a contingent of people who firmly believe we are living in a computer generated reality, a Matrix if you will, and therefore are not free to exercise free will or free thinking. I always doubted that supposition as being silly bugger nonsense. Until now.

Physicists, cosmologists and conspiracy theorists alike, suggest that even if not possible now, sometime in the future mankind will have developed technology refined enough to construct a cyber-reality and populate it with digital humans which the inhabitants could not discern from what we see, feel and hear today. Indeed, if they will be able to do it, maybe they have and we are their project(s) locked in the early part of the 21st century (by their design.) The real date might be far later than 2525 CE and we just don't know it.

How many arms do we really have?
My most recent revelation stems from the fact that only a diabolical programmer of life-simulations would ever conceive of the Donald Trump Presidency and all the biz-ar-ray aspect of that Administration. I cannot believe that there sufficient free-thinking free-will people in the United States who would vote such a man into the Office of President. There might be a place for employing the root cause of the Mandela Effect to somehow get the attention of the programmers to turn this simulation around.

Nothing about him or his Administration makes any sense. He himself criticized his opponent, the immediate past President and many others of doing numerous bad things only to be praised for now doing the same and being even more extreme. He's brash, ignorant, low-brow and demeaning to everyone. Even so, the sub-routines keep heaping praise on him. Everything is so non-sequitur. There is no cause and effect taking place. Whenever one would think his actions would sink his brand and make him lose status, it does the opposite. It is like as though Newton's Laws of equal and opposite actions has been replaced with "I'm rubber and you're glue". "You love me because I'm so bad for you." It's like opioids. You know if you take on too much it will kill you, but what the hell, I'm lovin' it.

Only a perverse programmer would build a reality simulation this whacked. That is why I am beginning to believe we ARE living in a computer simulation. 

Comment below with what you think (or were programmed to say.)


  1. I think maybe the people embedded into the program may be trying to blow the programmers minds or at least cause the program to freeze up as a way to rebel. This effort is known as "Corrupt for a Cause".

  2. So this is to say they are trying to hack their way OUT of the computer system?
