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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Whatever Happened to Jade Helm 15?

After all the Alex Jones, Glen Beck, et al conspiracy hoopla, the topic seems to have disappeared from the national RADAR. wow the media is really good at hushing the airwaves and this time the Internets too. While trying to discover the answer to the title question, I stumbled upon this Reddit post. It made as much sense as anything else one might imagine. Itswaynebradyyall 14 points2 days ago "The timeline was altered when a young boy lost his arm to an evil entity living beneath the sewers in a small Maine town. This set off a chain of events that banded 7 children together in a blood bond to rid the town of the entity and ultimately moved our reality over into the one where Jade helm was in actuality just a training exercise." There are literally millions of alternate universe time lines out there waiting to be visited. See Quantum Universe and read about many of the things, people and events that exist in those alternate realities.
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