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Sunday, August 16, 2015

It Was the best of Times, it Was the End of Times

It was the best of times, it was the End of Times. It just didn't get any better than that. POTUS was supporting free-trade agreements with 10 other pacific-rim nations and touting alternative energy production to save the planet. His plans were inscrutable to the naked eye making it difficult to know whether to come or go. It's good that such things are color-coded.

The Televangelical leaders were in their virtual pulpits exercising their the god-given Constitutional Rites to tax-free speech saying that the nation was going to be punished by god for allowing people to be recognized by the State for the relationships they already exercised. The Federal government's steadfast assertion that women have the right to make their own health choices was going to bring on Armageddon. Armageddon was a precursor to the return of Jesus Christ and that we Patriotic Americans must stop the President from subjecting America to the Wrath of God by killing babies or allowing two adults to have their relationships acknowledged in Federal, State and local secular statutes.

Personalities such as Michelle Bachmann spouted rhetoric that seemed to be contradictory. She blamed POTUS and SCOTUS for the sins of the nation and announces that they will be responsible for the destruction of this exceptional nation as we know it. Other conservative Republican politicians endeavored to curry favor of a single-issue electorate by invoking fear of the future under Democratic leadership where god would punish everyone en masse for the alleged sins of the few. Each minor politician asserted that what the President and his Minions were doing was going to both bring about the return of Jesus and destroy America at the same time. Well Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz, you cannot have it both ways.

It seems that Republicans are just not ready for The Rapture. They appear to want to set up some "off-shore" accounts where they can access their ill-gotten gains in the Afterlife. They want the End of Times but just not right now. It takes time to figure out how to stash the untaxed profits AND be able retrieve them from the Other Side.

Being able to stop children from getting an education, you know from the Latin: e-ducare to draw out, and replace it with indoctrination from the Latin word for "teach," doctrina is the root of indoctrinate, i.e. to put the teaching IN is essential. After all children have no need for any secular knowledge if god is about to exterminate everyone who doesn't believe the indoctrination material.

So just like the compassionate Coach who has the winning season who puts in the second string teammates and the bench-warmers for the last game of the season, the GOP is fielding an entire team of misfits and dinks to play-out the last few minutes of the last game of the season. It will not matter in their thinking. The Conspiracy Prophets have already said that Barack Obama will be the Last President of the USA and that Pope Francis will be the last Pope. Even Nostradamus
interpretations have been off by one Pope so far.

Many conservatives, and particularly those of the Christian persuasion, are hoping for and expecting the End of Times to resolve all conflicts, pay all debts and reward all devotees while cruelly punishing all persons who do not accept their faiths. In light of that why worry about environmental pollution, the rise of sea-level, the demise of species, the level of debt, the health of the people or the crumbling of the infrastructures? In god there is all remedy (in another world yet to be seen) so gird your loins with the treasures of this world and seek a way to take it along. These are the best of times.

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Author's Note: The book cover images in the side margins of this blog are my own publications of eBooks available at both Amazon and B&N. Please take a moment and go to the sites and read about them. Then if you like it, buy one or two.

1 comment:

  1. Roads Scholar, Michelle Bachmann, reportedly wants to thank President Obama for supporting the Iran Nuclear treaty because her god will be punishing America with the Apocalypse, which is something for which she dearly desires. Pat Robertson has already laid claim to the DOW index falling so far and so fast. Wonders what he'll be saying now that it leaped up 619 point on August 26.
